Herington Livestock Commission
Special Sales - First Wednesday of each Month
Sale Start time will be 11:00 a.m. until further notice
October 26, 2022
Type Weight Price
Cows 1090-1690 $72.50 - $100.00
Bulls 1915-2175 $96.00 - $100.00
9 Blk 506 $190.00 Gypsum
6 Blk 518 $182.00 Cedar Point
38 Mx 923 $173.00 Hope
58 Mx 884 $170.50 Lincolnville
27 Mx 945 $169.25 Abilene
58 Mx 870 $154.00 Lincolnville
3 Red 755 $160.00 Tampa
5 Mx 570 $159.50 Lincolnville
6 Mx 893 $155.00 Herington
Calf Blk 110 $290.00